Taxi from Amtrak to apartment: shared cab with some guy who is now my myspace friend. Yay! My first new friend.
Got to my new place around 8pm and the electricity was not yet on. I tried to settle in, using my lighter, but gave up. Went walking for 2 hours, mostly around the UT campus which is surprisingly quiet and empty at night. Bought toilet paper at CVS and went home. Called Yvonne and Nathan in a moment of panic when I realized I'm here, and everyone I know and love is somewhere else. What the hell was I thinking?
Friday: Electricity on, but no hot water. Wandered around from 28th down to 6th where the more touristy bars are and lots of live music. Some retired guy offered to by me a drink, which I accepted, drank, then ditched him. Went back into the same bar (Buffalo Billiards) and played pool by myself, then with a couple on their anniversary, then with a few guys who have since offered to help me move my stuff out of storage. In the meantime, I am sleeping on the floor and have no towel/dishes/furniture/pillow. It's like camping, but with a microwave.
Saturday: Spent most of the day at Starbucks, checking email, bus maps, etc. Went to dinner with guy I met while playing pool. Ordered 2 meals (on his dime) and brought home leftovers. Called a few people, and started keeping track of who I call each day so I don't repeat in the same day. I don't want to look desperate, but whatever, I just got here.
Sunday: A few hours at Starbucks, then practiced Banjo for 3 hours. Then back to Starbucks. It's open til 2, and I think I'll stay until then. Still no hot water. I keep calling Jon, and he either lost his phone or hasn't charged it, which is completely unacceptable since he should know that I'm trying to call and should have his phone at the ready.
That a those free meals!....And how do you play pool by yourself?
First you play stripes, and when you miss, you play solids, and so forth. And you when you miss the pocket you called, you pretend it didn't happen. you win AND lose...what a great country
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